Shah Rukh Khan in a recent interview has acknowledged that his role in his upcoming film FAN is the most challenging role of his career because for the first time in his career he would be playing a double role with a difference!
Explaining why FAN is a different film from other run of mill double role films, SRK says, “Usually we have seen double role of father and son in Bollywood like Amitabh Bachchan in AAKHREE RAASTA or Dilip Kumar playing a triple role in BAIRAAG, where the father is shown above 60 years with grey hairs and the son in the 30s. Even I played a similar role in VEER ZAARA. However till date no movie has ever attempted a double role where the same actor plays dual role in the age gap of 25 and 45.”

He adds, “In FAN director Maneesh Sharma has experimented with this type of a unique double role where the age difference of dual role is not depicted by grey hairs instead by portraying disparity between two classes of the characters.”
He informs, “I play a 45 year old superstar Aryan Khanna representing the rich and famous class of the society. Simultaneously I also portray the role of a 25 year old Gaurav, who is my passionate fan, representing the middle class of the society. Thus bringing out the stark contrast between the two characters and their class has been very challenging and satisfying.”
Shah Rukh Khan admits, “Of course, the most difficult part to play was that of Gavrav and more importantly to have a different look. I must confess playing Gavrav has been the most demanding roles of my career.”
“And half the credit for my success, I think should go to my make-up artist, Greg Cannom, who has definitely given me a never-seen before look,” quips SRK.
It may be noted Greg Cannom is a three times Oscar winner make-up artist. He has won the Oscar for THE CURIOUS CASE OF BENJAMIN BUTTON (2008), MRS DOUBTFIRE (1993) and DRACULA (1992). In addition he had been nominated nine times for the Oscars!
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