Not even a fortnight over after Salman Khan hit and run case verdict; country witnesses another celebrity son involved in rash driving!
The Bombay High Court judgment in favor of Salman Khan in the hit and run case 2002 may have been welcomed by his fans and the film fraternity but the media and right thinking people had expressed their discontentment.
It was even predicted that the judgment will send a wrong signal and may encourage rash driving in the country; particularly the fear about the punishment in the rash driving cases will cease among the rich and famous, who would now go wild on the road!
As expected, not even a fortnight after the judgment was over; another case of a celebrity son involved in rash driving has been reported by the Goa Police.

The accused Johna Delalaye Fernandes is son of famous Bollywood pop star Remo Fernandes, who allegedly knocked down a minor girl, Allenne D'Souza, who was a pilgrim on foot to St Francis Xavier Church in a group of devotees.
Though the Goa Police have arrested Johna under Sections 279 (Rash driving or riding on a public way), 338 (Causing grievous hurt by act endangering life or personal safety of others) of IPC but what is astonishing is that after the accident instead of sympathizing with the victim, singer Remo Fernandes has been reported of threatening her using offensive language to keep her silent and prevent her from disclosing the facts of the accident.
To add salt to injury when the Goa Police issued summons to Mr. Remo Fernandes to be present before the cops on charges of threatening the little girl he declined to obey the orders stating he is aboard and his lawyer would do the needful!
Such pompous attitude of Remo Fernandes only underlines the fact that had Salman Khan been pronounced a stringent punishment in the rash driving case than other celebrities would have learnt a lesson that if Salman Khan could be punished than probably the sword may also fall on them.
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