The DILWALE trailer staring Shah Rukh Khan and Kajol has generated a mixed response among the viewers. While some are going gaga over the spectacular eye catching locations and the incredible Jodi of SRK and Kajol, other feel the trailer is predictable like other Rohit Shetty films with pinch of romance, action, comedy and the usual cars blasting in air.
Though opinions are divided over the trailer but there is one thigh that is unanimous and that is the stunning look of Kajol, who is looking charming and gorgeous. Though the actress is over 40 and a mother yet she looks stunningly beautiful.

One wonders is it really her grace or is it the cunning camera work and make- up tricks as employed to enhance the young looks for South Superstar Rajinikanth?
According to make-up artiste R Sundaramurti, who styled Rajinikanth in his debut film APOORVA RAGANGAL (1975) and worked with him until CHANDRAMUKHI (2005) Rajinikanth's dusky complexion has helped an important feature in keeping him `wrinkle free' and ageless!
In an interview he said, “I have observed that fair-skinned actors age faster. The creases and wrinkles show faster and are more pronounced. But in case of dark skin people, even if the wrinkles appear they can be carefully ironed out with a little clever costume design.”
Now we know the secret behind the glowing look of Kajol because since she is also dark complexion like Rajinikanth hence the make-up artist could easily hide her age and made her look gorgeous and bewitching.
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