Dear Ms. Hema Maliniji,
Your shocking statement - “How I wish the girl's father had followed the traffic rules - than this accident could have been averted and the little one's life safe!” has made me perplexed because had the child’s father been on wrong side of the law then the traffic police would have arrested him and not your driver, who has been accused of driving the car at impermissible speed of 100 kms per hour when the unfortunate accident happened.
Later he was released on bail, probably thanks to your influence. The accident was so severe according to the police that had it been committed by a common driver he would be cooling his heal behind bars.

Coming to your statement in which you have blamed the late girl’s father for not following the traffic rules; let me inform you that according to the police it was not the girl’s father at fault but it was your driver, who was over-speeding at such jet speed that after colliding with the Alto on the Jaipur-Agra national highway near Dausa, your Mercedes turned in the opposite direction, skidded for almost 50 metres and jumped over the road divider before coming to a halt.
The Police in its statement have made it clear that only a portion of your speeding Mercedes hit the Alto and killed the baby. The police further added that had your speeding Mercedes collided head on with the Alto then probably it would have killed all the five members in the Alto!!
Thus I feel ashamed just to clean your image you have put the entire blame on the poor father of the dead child!
Your blaming the dead child's father for her death without any cognizable proof only adds to your arrogance and proves that the callous VIP can make senseless statement in ‘Mera Bharat Mahan’!
Also your remark on media, “For the sensation-hungry media, I can only say ‘Shame on U’ and ‘God Bless’,” I only wish to enlighten you that media only mirrors the truth caring a damn for a politician or a celebrity.
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