Film celebrities getting away cheaply from the grab of law is now becoming a common thing in India.
First DABANGG actor Salman Khan’s sentence by session court for five year imprisonment in hit and run case in 2002 was suspended and the actor given bail in a hush-hush. Now there is news of controversial singer Mika Singh being granted bail in the case of slapping a dignified doctor publicly in a musical concert!!
On Thursday morning the electronic media was ablaze with the sensation news of the arrest of famous singer Mika Singh for indulging in the rowdy act of slapping a respected doctor in a concert organised by the Delhi Ophthalmological Society (DOS) at the Delhi Pusa Institute Mela Ground in Inderpuri.

However what began as a valiant effort of Delhi Police of arresting the arrogant singer became tame by the afternoon because Mika Singh within couple of hours was a free man as he was granted bail thanks to his celebrity status.
What may stun readers is that when a leading TV news channel asked Mika’s elder brother Deler Mehndi about his reaction on the arrest of Mika Singh, defending his brother Mika said, “With news channels flashing the news of Mika Singh being arrested is enough to punish Mika and the doctor should take back his complaint.”
Annoyed at Deler Mehndi’s insensitive declaration, Dr. Shrikant, the victim of Mika’s rude assault and an ophthalmologist posted at Ambedkar Hospital retorted, “If a common man does an indecent act he is put behind bars and if celebrities slap respected citizens publically they can go scot free!”
“I have filled the case against Mika Singh precisely to teach celebrities a lesson. I will continue to fight the case and wish he should be banned from singing and conducting shows,” he asserted.
What has angered Dr. Shrikant more is that to defend himself; Mika Singh has alleged that the Dr. Shrikant had intentionally created the ruckus at the stage to garner cheap publicity exploiting his star status.
Lambasting such cheap allegations Dr. Shrikant said, “I am more renowned and revered than the film stars and I do need such cheap publicity.”
More brave heart citizens like Dr. Shrikant are the need of the hour to teach these heady and arrogant celebrities a lesson.
But alas until and unless the law is the slave of the powerful and mighty such revolutions can only be a dream. What say?
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