Salman Khan is available for Rs 85,000 while Shah Rukh is priced Rs 75,000 and the third Bollywood Mr. Perfectionist, Aamir Khan comes for 60,000! Readers may wonder with Narendra Modi Raj, have the actors reduced their prize?
Well, these are not the ongoing rates for highly sought after actors in Bollywood but the prices of highly sought after goats in Bakrid market on the occasion of Muslim festival Bakri Id.

In fact for Muslims the festival of Bakrid isn’t just about sacrificing animals. It is a reaffirmation of their faith in Allah and Quran. The act of sacrificing an animal is symbolic of the animal in man (man's nature). So, when a Muslim slaughters, he is reminded of the necessity to eliminate that "animal nature" which he has within him. It actually signifies the sacrifice of the sacrificer himself, and becomes the outward symbol of his readiness to lay down his life in the cause of the Supreme Creator of the universe. However it is a tragedy the auspicious festival had became a symbol of pride, power and wealth.
As a result Competition exists in the goat market too and sellers use marketing tools to push the sales. Hence sacrificial goats are given Bollywood star names like Shah Rukh Khan, Salman Khan and Aamir Khan. A goat trader confessed, “The name of Bollywood Khan attracts buyers and they sell like hot cake.” He informed, “ Last year fourteen-month-old Salman with black and white stripes weighing 180 Kg, was sold for 2.10 lakh at Bakra Mandi, while his "arch-rival", Shahrukh, with dropping ears and rounded horns weighing 120 Kg, was sold at 1.50 lakh. However this yaer the prizes have gone up tremendously!”
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